
UGent STEM Lerarendag 2018

Tijdens de UGent STEM Lerarendag 2018 in het Pand konden leraren kennismaken met het STEM-aanbod van de Universiteit Gent. Onderzoekers en STEM-didactici van de UGent konden die dag leerkrachten van het lager onderwijs (3de graad) en het secundair onderwijs inspireren.


Gent Lichtfestival 2018: Labo voor Plantecologie en “Een Warm Nest”

Een lichtwolk van tweehonderd vogelhuisjes wordt intenser naarmate er mensen onder de wolk verzamelen.” Hoe is het gesteld met ons warmte- en energieverbruik? Met een wolk van tweehonderd vogelhuisjes spoort Kunstenaarscollectief tBEDRIJF u aan om na te denken over energie – en dan vooral over de verspilling ervan.


Best oral presentation on 10th International Workshop on Sap Flow

From May 22, 2017 till May 26, 2017 Jeroen Schreel, Jonathan Vermeiren and Jens Mincke attended and presented their research at the 10th International workshop on Sap Flow in California, USA. Jens Mincke won the award for the best oral presentation


Joint Annual Meeting on Ecology Across Borders: visit LTER site at Gontrode

The 2017 Joint Annual Meeting of BES, GFÖ, NecoV and EEF on Ecology Across Borders was held in Ghent. On 15 December 2017, a Post Conference Tour was organised during which the LTER site at Gontrode was visited.

Media Symposia

“Bäume twittern” – story on ZDF

On Friday 25th of August reporters from ZDF came to visit our lab to interview Kathy Steppe about They visited the experimental forest of Aelmoeseneie where @TreeWatchEFA is twittering as well as the twittering tree at our faculty @TreeWatchFBW.

Education Media

“Tomaten geteeld met zout smaken beter”

The doctorate of Bart Van de Wal (defended on 23rd of May 2017) got quite some media attention this past few week. Kathy was interviewed for a segment in the evening VTM news (national television channel) and an article appeared on the website of VTM (link below).


Pratende boom @ Iedereen UGent!

Hoe snel groeien bomen? En groeien ze in de stad sneller dan daarbuiten? Op zondag 8 oktober 2017 bij “Iedereen UGent!” kan je zelf de boom meten en onderzoeken op je smartphone hoeveel hij gegroeid is! Ook na Iedereen UGent! kan je onze boom nog bezoeken en opvolgen!


“Bomen twitteren voor het klimaat” lecture by Kathy Steppe

Bomen twitteren voor het klimaat” or “Trees twittering for the climate” is a lecture Kathy Steppe gave on 7 June 2017 at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering in the context of a new series of lectures from the VBIG (Verbond Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen) called ‘what’s new @ coupure’ for Alumni of our faculty.


10th International Workshop on Sap Flow

From May 22, 2017 till May 26, 2017 the 10th International Workshop on Sap Flow took place in Fullerton, California, USA. Jens Mincke, Jeroen Schreel and Jonathan Vermeiren attended the workshop and presented their ongoing research with an oral presentation.


WURtalk – Twittering Trees to understand climate change

Extreme events associated with climate change are affecting European trees and forests. What is the mechanism behind it? How do trees perceive, react and adapt to climate change? Kathy Steppe, Ute Sass-Klaassen and others present their findings in an interactive WURtalk at Wageningen University & Research.