
“Tweetende boom” in Gent heeft nu ook broertje in bos van Harvard

VRT NWS artikel en Radio 1 interview met Kathy Steppe over TreeWatch en zijn tweetend broertje in het bos van Harvard.

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Education Media

Pint Of Science talk by Kathy Steppe

In the large framework of Pint Of Science, Kathy Steppe will be giving a talk in Bruges (De Republiek) titled “De stem van bomen in een wereld van klimaatverandering”.


Resilience Blog interview with prof. Kathy Steppe

The Resilience Blog has a new interview series “Voices of Resilience”. In this series scientists are introduced who deal with this term everday.


Succesvolle CITREE launch!

Op 16 oktober 2018 vond de officiële launch van CITREE plaats waarbij een infomoment werd voorzien voor iedereen die wil meedenken, bomen selecteren en opmeten in Gent.


“De hete zomer van aan boom”

Naar aanleiding van de hittegolf die over Europa is getrokken tijdens de zomer van 2018 is er een artikel verschenen in De Volkskrant over de ‘twitterende boom’ op de Wageningen Universiteit die deel uitmaakt van


Thesis Glenn Van Herrewege (2017) op de voorpagina van de Vlaamse Scriptiekrant

De thesis van Glenn Van Herrewege, “Lettuce growth model to support selection and cultivation on Mars” (2017), werd onlangs opgepikt door de Vlaamse Scriptiekrant en mag pronken op de voorpagina.


Joint Annual Meeting on Ecology Across Borders: visit LTER site at Gontrode

The 2017 Joint Annual Meeting of BES, GFÖ, NecoV and EEF on Ecology Across Borders was held in Ghent. On 15 December 2017, a Post Conference Tour was organised during which the LTER site at Gontrode was visited.

Media Symposia

“Bäume twittern” – story on ZDF

On Friday 25th of August reporters from ZDF came to visit our lab to interview Kathy Steppe about They visited the experimental forest of Aelmoeseneie where @TreeWatchEFA is twittering as well as the twittering tree at our faculty @TreeWatchFBW.

Education Media

“Tomaten geteeld met zout smaken beter”

The doctorate of Bart Van de Wal (defended on 23rd of May 2017) got quite some media attention this past few week. Kathy was interviewed for a segment in the evening VTM news (national television channel) and an article appeared on the website of VTM (link below).


WURtalk – Twittering Trees to understand climate change

Extreme events associated with climate change are affecting European trees and forests. What is the mechanism behind it? How do trees perceive, react and adapt to climate change? Kathy Steppe, Ute Sass-Klaassen and others present their findings in an interactive WURtalk at Wageningen University & Research.